Innate Marketing Genius is a way to be authentic in how you connect with prospects. It teaches you how to trust your instincts and get clear on what’s the best way forward for you. It connects you to your natural inner marketing strategy. Your marketing becomes an extension of who you are, instead of just another chore.
This empowering approach changes everything. Barriers disappear, you connect with your prospective clients in a new way, you find powerful focus, you become exactly the marketer you’ve always known you are. That inner awesome has always been there, hasn’t it? Let’s discover it.
I was growing a new business and didn't like marketing. Then I worked with Christina. With the Innate Marketing Genius approach, I discovered the perfect marketing strategy for me: give talks to corporate leaders. I've been a speaker for years and it shows me at my best. As a result, I have Fortune 500 company managers knocking on my door. This really works.
- Amanda Hammett, Millennial Translator