You’re given 9 words or phrases called “cues.” Find 3 that share a common key, to form a 3-part Triad. A Triad’s key is a single stand-alone word uniquely shared by the 3 cues. Solve all three Triads and win the game – proof of your lateral thinking skills!
Here’s an example. These cues would appear as part of a set of nine.
Linked with the key HAND, we get SECOND-HAND, POKER HAND, and HANDSHAKE.
Cues can be compound or hyphenated words, sometimes even famous names, places, and everyday phrases. Keys (solutions) are always one word only. Some are easy, some not. Take your time.
You have three guesses and two hints (optional). Miss a guess, use a turn. Take a hint, use a turn.
△ = turns remaining, 🛟 = get a hint
With 9 or 6 cues shown, a hint highlights a Triad. When 3 cues remain a hint shows the key’s first letter.
Every Triad game is scored, tallied, and averaged for you, using this point system.
Outcome | Points |
A perfect score. No misses, no hints | 10 |
Success, but with either 1 miss or 1 hint | 8 |
Success, with 2 misses and/or hints | 6 |
Got 2 out of 3, just couldn’t get that last one | 4 |
Got 1 Triad but couldn’t get the other 2 | 2 |
Went down in flames. No success at all | 0 |
Triads has no enrollment, so you never need to login or reveal anything about yourself. You’re given a silly name on your first visit (you can change it below), and that ‘cookie’ tracks your wins and losses. You can see your cookie if you click your name; use it on a second device to continue to play as “you.”
Be a part of Triads! We welcome your contributions to add to our database, so get creative. Send to:
We also appreciate your suggestions for improving the game. This includes which Triads you found too easy, too difficult, or too wacko. We’re listening. Let’s make Triads fun for everyone!